Tag Archive for: Kriya Yoga

Way of the White Swan, the journey of the jeevhamsa

By Yogiraj Siddhanath

Progress into the inner recesses of the brain

The journey of our soul can be summed up as the cycle of the involution of Consciousness through mind into matter and then its subsequent evolution from matter into mind and Consciousness.

The human soul, in order to complete its cycle of evolution first descends and gets engrossed in the various sheaths of the body, the mental sheath, the emotional sheath, the etheric sheath and finally in the womb the material sheath of flesh and bones. Forgetting its true nature, it gets more and more restricted as in relative sequence by various permutations and combinations of molecules it becomes more and more dense. In this descending arc of involution called the Pravritti Marg, the soul sinks more and more into the material world, garnering the experiences of joy and sorrow, right and wrong, bad and good, garnering experiences in the world of relativity in the material world.

After being buffeted by raag (attractions) and dvesh (repulsions), the joys and miseries of the material world and satisfying the lust for life, the inner-spirit of the soul-swan pushes it towards its own evolution, the Nivritti Marg, the inward path of return. This is the evolutionary path of renunciation and detachment from all worldly pleasures of samsara. Here the soul consciousness begins to withdraw itself from the grosser sheath of matter to the subtler spheres of the mind. Moving to complete its cycle of evolution it ascends, and becomes more and more transparent by yogic and spiritual practices, the flame of its soul expresses more and more of its innate spiritual radiance. The jeevhamsa begins its inner yogic ascent through ever more refined and ever more expanded spheres of consciousness to get to the god-essence, the divine in-dweller that lies at the core of its own Being.

The evolution of the human consciousness is the most comprehensive enterprise ever undertaken by the Yogis, compared to which the greatest of human achievements pale into insignificance. A journey inwards unsurpassed by any journey into outer space.  In the human brain exist the lateral ventricles in the shape of a swan poised in flight, with its wings thrust forward and its head pointing to the back. When a Hamsa Yogi, through yogic meditation and pranayama, activates the kundalini energy, these ventricles in the brain open up. The two petals in the agnya chakra corresponding to the pituitary gland open first. The yogi at this stage experiences hamsa consciousness of being breathed by the Divine in-dweller, the universal prana.

As the yogi further continues and progresses in the hamsa meditation, the third eye opens up in the agnya chakra and the yogi goes into the ecstasy of sarvikalpa consciousness. Then penetrating the star in the third eye the hamsayogi expands into the state of nirvikalpa consciousness, dwelling in the cave of Brahma, the brain’s third ventricle. The evolution of the human consciousness does not stop there. The awareness of the yogi evolves further beyond the I-ness of humanity to settle in the spaces of the lateral swan-like ventricles of the brain. Then in a final push the mighty hamsa, the soul wins its wings to final freedom and liberation. The corona radiata of the brain light up with divine effulgence and the yogi takes flight into cosmic consciousness. Experiencing the total divinity of and beyond creation, gaining the ultimate knowledge of Tat Tvam Asi, the yogi merges into Niranjan Nirvan, the final nirvana of the Kaivalya Samadhi. Having attained the enlightenment of the Buddha and the Christ such beings come back to this world only as an Avatar.

This is where we are going, in spite of ourselves.  Because the whole warp and weft of the cosmic flow, the galactic swirl, the universal swirl is towards Divinity.  And because the whole swirl and sway and swing and rhythm and music of the universe is towards Divinity, we cannot help but flow in that direction.

Within each one of us is this mystic, inconceivable, indescribable silence and love, and the urge to return to this natural state, the Sahaj Samadhi.

“Beyond the gates of death I glide – untied
Into regions sublime – surpassing causation, space and time.
Here Eternal bliss is King by name of Sat Chit Anand,
Whose life is loving Brahmananda.”

Note: This is a reprint of an article published January 4, 2019 in the online publication, The Pioneer.

** Yogiraj will be back in Europe, the U.S. and Canada in the spring and summer of 2019! You can join him now at events in India! Learn more at our Siddhanath Events Page.

Smoke, Seva, and Surprises at Mt. Shasta

Yogiraj meditating with disciples at the Upper Sacramento River by Mt. Shasta.

Yogiraj meditating with disciples at the Upper Sacramento River by Mt. Shasta.

Despite smoke from the nearby fires obscuring views of Mt. Shasta, the Shasta retreat held many delightful surprises for the participants. For the benefactors, one wonderful moment came while taking a boat ride in Lake Siskiyou. Yogiraj promised that the air would clear enough for them to be able to see Mt. Shasta. And sure enough, at one moment on the trip, the grateful benefactors could see the majestic mountain peeking out from the smoky haze.

On Saturday morning of the retreat, Hamsas had another delight at the Dunsmuir Botanical Gardens. After teaching theGoraksha Gayatri mantra, Yogiraj told the Hamsas to meditate by the nearby Upper Sacramento River for 15-20 minutes. Hamsas scampered to find rocks to sit on by the bank of the gushing river. When they opened their eyes, some people were astonished to see Yogiraj himself seated nearby on the riverbank, seated in still meditation. So they quickly closed their eyes again, experiencing a deep and powerful meditation.

Those who visited the merchandise tables were delighted to browse a beautifully illustrated picture book, A Master Stroke by Divine Destiny, written by Guruma Shivangini. It tells the story of her birth into a royal family to her marriage with Yogiraj, after which she has led a life of seva (selfless service). The book reveals many of Guruma’s personal mystical encounters with sages and saints.

But the crème de la crème was the opportunity to purchase a copy of Yoga Patanjal, Yogiraj’s experiential rendition of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. This beautiful, little gilded book fits nicely in a purse or pocket and contains Yogiraj’s own spiritual revelations. The highlight of the retreat was when Hamsas lined up to have their copies of the book personally signed by Yogiraj.

Much love and effort were poured into the two books authored by Yogiraj and Guruma. Our Satguru and his beloved are both shining examples of the theme that Yogiraj discussed during the Shasta retreat, which is “Accept the world as it is and get on with the job at hand.”


Seva was a resounding theme at Mount Shasta.  Seva is selfless service, done without any thought of reward or payment.  Even the most menial tasks, undertaken with the right attitude, is Seva.  Seva dissolves the ego.

Yogiraj often asks us to consider which ashram seva dissolves the ego more: cleaning the temple or scrubbing the toilets?  The answer is the latter.  It is not that one must choose the more difficult or least enjoyable task. Rather, the less we resist something we don’t enjoy doing, the more we have to set aside this dislike in order to do it. If we approach our tasks without resistance, and simply “get on with the job at hand” the service becomes selfless. Every task we do, whether picking up leaves from the lawn, throwing away garbage in the meditation hall, receiving other Hamsas at registration, setting up for a satsang, breaking down after satsang, becomes seva if we do it without self.

The most difficult seva is to remain where you are or to go where you must go when you have agreed to undertake a task at that “Most Particular Time” when Yogiraj gives a spontaneous satsang.  That longing to remain near Yogiraj or to be with Yogiraj is great, but seva means you are to get on with the job at hand.  So go do that job!  Give yourself entirely to service, without thought for whether or not a particular act of seva serves you.

Seva is not reserved for events.  If Yogiraj’s mission is to evolve humanity, then we must strengthen Community Humanity; we must ourselves participate in Community Humanity. This too is seva.

Finally, seva can also be a way of living.  How many moments in your day can you serve without ego?


** Yogiraj will be back in Europe, the U.S. and Canada in the spring and summer of 2019! You can join him now at events in India! Learn more at our Siddhanath Events Page.

Dreamweaver Experience 2016


Lovingly dedicated to Yogiraj Satgurunath Siddhanath on his birthday, May 10, 2018
Humbly presented in an introduction
before the Satsang in Toronto, July 21, 2018.
By Brad Smith –  Devotee, Canada – 2018

The Dreamweaver
 experience described in this article will be given by Yogiraj at these two upcoming retreats:

In September of 2016, while attending a retreat at Stony Point Center in the state of New York, I had a wonderful experience with Yogiraj Siddhanath called the “Dreamweaver.” This is given by Yogiraj at some of the extended retreats.

On the first evening of the retreat, Yogiraj explained that we may experience a dream, or we may not, but that he would be working on our chakras during the night to help us speed up our spiritual evolution. He had cautioned that we would get what we needed, not necessarily what we wanted. As instructed by Yogiraj, at 2 a.m. we came to the meditation building and meditated in front of Yogiraj’s picture to connect with him. Then we returned to our rooms. I had no expectations as I drifted off to sleep.

As I entered the dream state, I became aware that I was standing in the large grassy area beside the meditation building. I saw Yogiraj standing about 20 feet away from me dressed all in white and radiating this breathtakingly beautiful, “cottony” white light that appeared to have a texture and feel to it.  There was a white soccer ball in front of me on the grass and I kicked it to Yogiraj.  As the soccer ball reached him, it began to glow the same beautiful cottony white and was transformed into a ball made of light.  Yogiraj then kicked the ball of light to me, and I had to run a little to the side to intercept it.  As the ball touched my foot, a wondrous surge of light energy rushed up into my body to the top of my head.  But it wasn’t just light. It was filled with beautiful wordless truths about my journey in life.

There was so much information in the light, I haven’t even scratched the surface in decoding all of what was contained in it.  I felt as though I was in a euphoric state of higher knowingness, and even though I remember having realization after realization, I can’t tell you even one of them specifically since I can’t access them as I am right now.

After I ran to get the soccer ball and the light rushed into my body, I kicked the ball back to Yogiraj. This process repeated itself over and over. Sometimes I would have to run farther or faster to intercept the ball. Other times I would only have to move a few steps to access this wonderful light energy being given to me. Just like in all of our lives, there are days that are very challenging, and we have to run father for that ball. Then there are other days that are wonderful, where the ball comes right to us with little effort.

There were two messages from the experience with Yogiraj that resounded very deeply within me that I can put into words:

1. If you work at it, like running to get the ball, you will succeed in the game of life.

And in particular:

2. If you maintain effort with your Kriya practice, you will succeed in gaining this wisdom.

I remember thinking immediately after the Dreamweaver experience, when I was not yet fully awake, that the wordless truths from that soccer game encompassed not only my life but the connectivity of all life from the sub-atomic, to the gigantic.  I believe that the rest is for me to discover through Kriya Yoga under the guidance of Yogiraj Siddhanath.

If you haven’t been empowered into Kriya Yoga by this Master, please do yourself a favor and do so. It could end up being the most significant decision you make in this life.


Yogiraj Honored as Chief Guest at Sherwood College’s 149th Founder’s Day


Yogiraj receiving an award at Sherwood College, where he was honored as chief guest.

By Arnab Datta –  Devotee, UK – 2018

“Mereat Quisque Palmam”. These Latin words meaning “Let each one merit his prize” adorn the gates of Sherwood College, a school nestled in the beautiful hills of Nainital in the northern regions of India. Founded in 1869, it has seen many illustrious people of India from the nation’s first Indian Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, the most recognized and Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan, and the foremost master in Kriya Yoga, our very own beloved master, Yogiraj Satgurunath Siddhanath.

Yogiraj was in the 1962 final year batch (class 12). He was a swimmer par excellence and was awarded a certificate of courage for his rescue efforts in a drowning incident. He was also an excellent gymnast, boxer, and bodybuilder in his school and college days. In many of his satsangs globally, Yogiraj often reminisces of the good old days in Sherwood and it had been a long-cherished wish to visit Sherwood.

This wish crystallized in a majestic way when Sherwood had the honor and privilege of inviting Yogiraj as the chief guest at this year’s 149th Founder’s ceremony. Beloved Guruma also accompanied him. The event started with skating, a swimming and diving show, exhibitions of various societies, a Horsman Wing (junior school) Production and the Middle School Production.

Yogiraj led a deeply spiritual and wonderful session with the parents in the chapel, where he spoke about his experiences and read a few of his poems, such as “Maya”.

The Batch of 1993 was also there to celebrate their 25th-year reunion.  They presented a bell for the Horsman Wing which was inaugurated by Yogiraj.

It was a brilliant event, showcasing the unbelievable levels of physical fitness, artistic talents, and creativity that the school promotes and encourages. No wonder it churns out such shining stars year after year, and it is undoubtedly true that the most luminous of those stars blessed the school with his presence this year.



Yoga Patanjal, an Experiential Revelation

By Jyoti Subramanian –  Devotee, India – 2018

Yogiraj’s birthday this month marked the birth of his new book, Yoga Patanjal. More than a scholarly rendition of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the book is an experiential revelation of Yogiraj’s realizations. Yoga Patanjal will be sold at Yogiraj’s 2018 World Tour events.

Very briefly in Yogiraj’s own words, “To facilitate your entry into the highest spheres with your satguru, I have taken considerable pain and effort to make available this gold-gilded pocketbook for you, as I love you. I am always there for you and even if you understand one verse in the book I will be happy, though all of you are capable of much more.”

The book was formally released post lunch on May 10th at the Siddhanath Forest Ashram in Pune after the disciples finished their morning Kriya Yoga practice session with Yogiraj. Present at the launch were Yogiraj’s mausi (meaning “like a mother”, a term used for one’s mother’s sister in India) and his sister, Durga. Yogiraj handed the first book to his aunt whom he referred to as his mother and then to his sister and Gurumata. The disciples received the book with all their blessings after that.

It is understood in the annals of Sanatan philosophy that the birth and manifestation of a satguru is the result of a collective yearning of humankind for the realization of the self and the divinity within. Satgurus of certain lineage come from time to time to guide, tweak and point the way towards speedier evolution for contemporary seekers. In short, according to Yogiraj, one deserves the guru one gets!

May 10th is the birthday of our Satguru Yogiraj Siddhanath who was born on this day in 1944. Disciples and sadhaks make their way to the Siddhanath Forest Ashram on this day to express their devotion and gratitude to him, who has shown them the way from ignorance to eternal truth, from darkness to light and from death to divinity. In a deeper and esoteric manner on this day the disciples are also born anew. So instead of “Happy birthday to you”, Yogiraj asked his disciples to sing “Happy birthday to me”, which they did very joyously, understanding their oneness with him.

The auspicious day started, as it usually does at the ashram, with the disciples making their way to the dining area and the morning satsang over breakfast and tea. Yogiraj at that time revealed that his book, Yoga Patanjal, was ready and would be available to the disciples later that day. He then went on to give a powerful message blessing his disciples and humanity in general with nuggets gleaned from this book.

The contemporary satguru brings to light ancient knowledge and wisdom which is still extant and pertinent in a language understandable to modern-day seekers. He cautioned seekers to concentrate on the living spirit rather than perusing the dead letter, an instruction that is very precious for the sincere spiritual aspirant.

Being in the presence of a householder satguru is an enchanting experience for the disciples and they got to see the simple and loving interchange of dialogue between him and Gurumata in the evening when she wore a sari presented to her by Yogiraj for this occasion. The happiness between them was palpable and spilled over to the disciples many of whom are enmeshed in the trammels of daily familial living. Disciples dressed in their finery for the evening of celebration. Gurumata began the arati, which is the waving of a lamp in devotion to the satguru. She then passed the lamp to other disciples.

The kids, of whom there were many, of course, had eyes only for the cake. The evening ended with sharing of prasad (blessed food) and dinner.

Mount Shasta: the American Mount Kailash

By Sterling Wilson – Southern California Devotee – 2017

Mount Shasta is the retreat to go to.

Mount Shasta is in Northern California, almost at the Oregon border.  I got a bit dizzy while at a rest stop looking at a state map on my first trip there from Southern California.  That’s how far North we are!?  Nevertheless, a three-day weekend retreat with Himalayan Master Yogiraj at this mountain is a must.  He often refers to it as the American Mount Kailash, which is perhaps the holiest mountain in the Himalayas.  It is interesting to note that the native Americans refer to Shasta as Adi-Nar, which is very similar to one of the Sanskrit names for Lord Shiva: Adi-Nath.

The retreat is a weekend of freeing our minds.  The mind, the root source of all disease, loses its iron grip.  Healing and sweet, deep consciousness fill the void.   That is the essence of any time spent with Yogiraj.

After years of retreats, I easily fall into the rhythm. During the satsang question-and-answer sessions, his answers are sometimes heavy with authority. The next moment they are playful and teasing; spontaneous discourses into the ancient lore of India, yogic healing transmissions, chanting and community.

When Yogiraj  entered the meditation hall at the start of last year’s retreat, my mood somehow lightened, erasing my two-day journey North. There were about twenty new people sitting up front and he wanted to make sure they felt comfortable and accepted.  Old timers, such as myself, left unchecked can hog the question-and-answer sessions.  Yogiraj caught us in the act and gave special attention to the newbies.

Saturday’s big event was the outdoor meditation on Mt. Shasta at an open field called “Sand Flat”.  Yogiraj came and then we spread out across the whole field and forest for meditation.  He took us with him as he sat in meditation, going into deeper levels of consciousness.  The Guru is like a benevolent black hole, sucking all negativity into its void.

The bees and flies were buzzing and the late morning sun beat down.  Nevertheless, we remained in meditation, or something that at least looked like it.  Afterwards Yogiraj called us together and told us that he had taken us into Nirvikalpa Samadhi, the deepest layer of mindlessness.

Before breaking up, Yogiraj suggested eating something sweet and something a little spicy with lunch: “With the sweet and spicy the healing will take place.”  As we laughed, he laughed about what an easy Guru he is.  I recall years ago that he said, “One must only look for the most spoiled disciples and know that they are mine.”

Did I mention that Mount Shasta is the retreat to go to?

You can join Yogiraj and our spiritual family this summer at Mount Shasta. Learn more at our U.S. Events Page.

McCloud Middle Falls Near Mt Shasta

By Sterling Wilson – Southern California Devotee – 2017

McCloud Middle Falls Near Mt Shasta. When we are in nature, standing face to face, it is we who blink first.  Nature holds her gaze.  The energy is too strong for most people- we quickly fall into fiddling with cell phones, talking loudly or drinking beer and building big fires and making lots of noise around them.  We just don’t know what to do with ourselves.  Kriya pranayam and Surya meditation give us a way to connect with nature, something to do there.  This is an ancient lifestyle and it is only the beginning for young America.

The Mc CLoud river becomes Middle Falls as it works its way through the forest below Mt Shasta.  Yogiraj often discusses the coming spiritual civilization that is right now developing on the West Cost of America.  He has said that right now there are more practicing yogis on the west coast of America than in India.  

He teaches that water, especially flowing water greatly benefits meditation.  The Himalayan pilgrimage group makes sure to stop at a mountain waterfall on the journey.  Both the Haridwar and Rishikesh retreats  have time set aside for a dip in the strong flowing, clean, very cold, mountain-pure Ganges.  The prana that is the river current flows through our bodies.  At the Shasta retreat in 2015 he answered a question about eclipses saying that they enhance the meditation and the flowing water  even more so.  A Full Moon lunar eclipse? Go find a river to meditate in…….. or bathtub.

And every year at Middle Falls I see it and recognize it.  Hamsas from the whole West Coast and beyond are there: from Vancouver down to San Diego……and those are just the ones I know…..The scene of scattered Hamsas, some off under the waterfall sitting, others across the water happy to be drying off in the sun.  Valiant yogis to be!  And that water is cold. I can personally attest to sitting under the falls and feeling the energy rise.  The science Yogiraj gives us is true.

A  few tourist families mill about at the Falls as well, with dad taking a dip in the water and the kids looking on. And of course the “beer drinkers” ( a term my mother uses) are there as well- sunburned skin, cigarettes, beer, loud voices and heavy metal soundtrack.

How wonderful that we have something to do there.   “Go sit and do Kriya pryanayam under that waterfall, or stand in the cold river water doing Surya.”  Oh  yes I can do that.


Unique Phenomenon of Awaring Consciousness

The raising of mass consciousness of the people by Yogiraj Siddhanath, to a thought free state of Enlightenment is unprecedented in the spiritual history of the modern age.

Come experience this unique phenomenon as already experienced by tens of thousands of people, of the yesteryears.

Today he travels the world giving United Consciousness Conference (UCCs), bringing the awareness of all seekers to this ineffable mind-dissolving state of total satisfaction; where you feel content beyond all desires and you want nothing more. Where you experience the nostalgia, that this is it; I have reached home!

Sitting in the presence of the Master of masters, this experience of Awaring Consciousness our beloved Master bestows upon us, is by him, called “Shivapat”.

An Ocean of Loving Energy Awaits us at Carlsbad

It is not often that we are given the opportunity to be a part of something
that will not only change us, but is also world changing.  Combining the powerful energies of the sun
and the ocean with Yogiraj’s loving energy is a combination that will help unlock
our own inner light and open us to the mysteries and love within and around us. 

From testimonies of some of those who have attended previous year’s retreats at
Carlsbad, it is clear that the energy levels seem to be particularly heightened
by the presence of the Pacific Ocean at the doorstep of this venue.  Many spiritual and emotional healings have
taken place over the last couple of years at this retreat.

The oceanfront
location in Carlsbad could be the most powerful and emotionally moving event of
Yogiraj’s tour this year.  We will all be
sharing an oceanfront meditation with Yogiraj on the beach. Yogiraj’s healing
transmissions during this retreat will be working specifically on the chakras
to ease and clear our emotional suffering.

In today’s world, with all its social disharmony and anger, the clearing of our
chakras and getting them balanced is necessary for not only good mental and
emotional health, but also for our spiritual growth.  We live in a world where our uncontrolled
feelings and emotions can cause us great suffering; so healing them with loving
energy will help give us greater wisdom to take our spiritual journey forward.

The elemental nature of the second chakra is water. The healing transmission
with Yogiraj, combined with the elemental nature of the vast ocean will focus
this powerful healing force on each of us. When the second chakra is in balance
we will experience sensations of wellness, pleasure, gratitude, and joy along
with better physical and emotional health.

This is an opportunity
to change your life focus and direction – a chance for true healing in the
presence of a Master!

Space is still available for this retreat! hwww.vps105180.inmotionhosting.com/events/yogiraj-events

Catskill Mountains – Dazzle in the City of Jewels and Transfigure to the Seat of the Soul

Yogiraj’s East Coast retreat will be held in the Catskill Mountains this year!
Ignite the fire of
your navel chakra, “the city of jewels” under the crystal clear constellations
on Frost Valley Mountain as Yogiraj transmits his healing energy during your
meditation.  Take this blazing journey in the night by the camp fire.  Feel the brilliance of the sun as your navel
chakra is awakened, balanced and activated according to your receptivity and individual
karma.  Find your personal power and unleash
the consciousness of self within the vast universe.

Enter the realm where
one finds the ultimate self, within the sixth chakra, “the seat of the soul.” 
Yogiraj will be empowering you into Kriya Yoga amidst the cool mountain of
Frost Valley during the beginning of the fall equinox, surrounded by Lake Swan
and the gurgling streams and brooks that hug this pristine grassland.  Dwell in
your sacred space of non-judgment. Become the witness of your consciousness and
experience peace and detachment from the thinking mind.  Experience yourself as
an extension of the universal consciousness.  Sign up now! http://www.vps105180.inmotionhosting.com/events/yogiraj-events