Dreamweaver Experience 2016


Dreamweaver Experience

Lovingly dedicated to Yogiraj Satgurunath Siddhanath on his birthday, May 10, 2018
Humbly presented in an introduction
before the Satsang in Toronto, July 21, 2018.
By Brad Smith –  Devotee, Canada – 2018

The Dreamweaver
 experience described in this article will be given by Yogiraj at these two upcoming retreats:

In September of 2016, while attending a retreat at Stony Point Center in the state of New York, I had a wonderful experience with Yogiraj Siddhanath called the “Dreamweaver.” This is given by Yogiraj at some of the extended retreats.

On the first evening of the retreat, Yogiraj explained that we may experience a dream, or we may not, but that he would be working on our chakras during the night to help us speed up our spiritual evolution. He had cautioned that we would get what we needed, not necessarily what we wanted. As instructed by Yogiraj, at 2 a.m. we came to the meditation building and meditated in front of Yogiraj’s picture to connect with him. Then we returned to our rooms. I had no expectations as I drifted off to sleep.

As I entered the dream state, I became aware that I was standing in the large grassy area beside the meditation building. I saw Yogiraj standing about 20 feet away from me dressed all in white and radiating this breathtakingly beautiful, “cottony” white light that appeared to have a texture and feel to it.  There was a white soccer ball in front of me on the grass and I kicked it to Yogiraj.  As the soccer ball reached him, it began to glow the same beautiful cottony white and was transformed into a ball made of light.  Yogiraj then kicked the ball of light to me, and I had to run a little to the side to intercept it.  As the ball touched my foot, a wondrous surge of light energy rushed up into my body to the top of my head.  But it wasn’t just light. It was filled with beautiful wordless truths about my journey in life.

There was so much information in the light, I haven’t even scratched the surface in decoding all of what was contained in it.  I felt as though I was in a euphoric state of higher knowingness, and even though I remember having realization after realization, I can’t tell you even one of them specifically since I can’t access them as I am right now.

After I ran to get the soccer ball and the light rushed into my body, I kicked the ball back to Yogiraj. This process repeated itself over and over. Sometimes I would have to run farther or faster to intercept the ball. Other times I would only have to move a few steps to access this wonderful light energy being given to me. Just like in all of our lives, there are days that are very challenging, and we have to run father for that ball. Then there are other days that are wonderful, where the ball comes right to us with little effort.

There were two messages from the experience with Yogiraj that resounded very deeply within me that I can put into words:

1. If you work at it, like running to get the ball, you will succeed in the game of life.

And in particular:

2. If you maintain effort with your Kriya practice, you will succeed in gaining this wisdom.

I remember thinking immediately after the Dreamweaver experience, when I was not yet fully awake, that the wordless truths from that soccer game encompassed not only my life but the connectivity of all life from the sub-atomic, to the gigantic.  I believe that the rest is for me to discover through Kriya Yoga under the guidance of Yogiraj Siddhanath.

If you haven’t been empowered into Kriya Yoga by this Master, please do yourself a favor and do so. It could end up being the most significant decision you make in this life.