Catskill Mountains – Dazzle in the City of Jewels and Transfigure to the Seat of the Soul

Yogiraj’s East Coast retreat will be held in the Catskill Mountains this year!
Ignite the fire of
your navel chakra, “the city of jewels” under the crystal clear constellations
on Frost Valley Mountain as Yogiraj transmits his healing energy during your
meditation.  Take this blazing journey in the night by the camp fire.  Feel the brilliance of the sun as your navel
chakra is awakened, balanced and activated according to your receptivity and individual
karma.  Find your personal power and unleash
the consciousness of self within the vast universe.

Enter the realm where
one finds the ultimate self, within the sixth chakra, “the seat of the soul.” 
Yogiraj will be empowering you into Kriya Yoga amidst the cool mountain of
Frost Valley during the beginning of the fall equinox, surrounded by Lake Swan
and the gurgling streams and brooks that hug this pristine grassland.  Dwell in
your sacred space of non-judgment. Become the witness of your consciousness and
experience peace and detachment from the thinking mind.  Experience yourself as
an extension of the universal consciousness.  Sign up now!
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