Tag Archive for: yoga

Awaken in the Presence of a True Spiritual Master: Yogiraj Siddhanath

The presence of a true ‪#‎master‬ can awaken the ‪#‎kundalini‬.
And then by the practice of ‪#‎Kriya_Yoga‬, it may ‪#‎ascend‬.

The Awakening of Kundalini through the Presence of a True Master:
Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath

The presence of a true master holds the power to ignite the dormant spiritual energy within us known as kundalini. This potent energy, often symbolized as a coiled serpent at the base of the spine, lies latent in most individuals. However, the presence of a realized master like Yogiraj Siddhanath can act as a catalyst, awakening this profound force and setting it on a path of ascension through the chakras.

Yogiraj Siddhanath, a revered Kriya Yoga master, embodies this rare ability to awaken kundalini. His mere presence emanates a transformative energy that can activate the kundalini within his disciples. This awakening is not merely a symbolic or metaphorical event but a tangible, often life-altering experience. Those who have had the privilege of being in Yogiraj Siddhanath’s presence often describe a profound shift in their energy, consciousness, and overall spiritual awareness.

Once awakened, the journey of kundalini is guided through the disciplined practice of Kriya Yoga. This ancient and sacred practice involves a series of techniques designed to purify the body and mind, facilitating the smooth ascension of kundalini through the energy centers or chakras. Kriya Yoga, as taught by Yogiraj Siddhanath, offers a structured and safe approach to this powerful process. It harmonizes breath control, meditation, and specific postures to create a conducive environment for spiritual growth.

The ascension of kundalini through the chakras brings about profound transformations. It purifies the nadis (energy channels), balances the chakras, and expands consciousness, leading to higher states of awareness and ultimately, self-realization. Practitioners often report enhanced mental clarity, emotional stability, and a deep sense of inner peace. The ultimate goal is to achieve a state of union with the divine, realizing the interconnectedness of all life.



Yogiraj Siddhanath’s role as a true master goes beyond merely teaching techniques; he provides the spiritual transmission that awakens and guides the kundalini. His teachings and presence offer a unique and precious opportunity for sincere seekers to embark on this transformative journey. Through the combined power of Yogiraj’s presence and the disciplined practice of Kriya Yoga, the path to spiritual enlightenment and the ascension of kundalini becomes a tangible reality.

Come to a life changing transformation of consciousness with Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath: https://siddhanath.org/eventsall/


What Happens to the Soul After Death?

By Yogiraj Siddhanath

Is Death the final goal of life or is there life after death? And if there is life, what are the turns and twists and evolutionary journey in life after death, until the soul is reborn again? This question has long perturbed humankind caught between medical sciences which have for long tried to prolong life, thinking it to be the only one, and the rishis and yogis who have claimed to conquer ultimate Death freeing themselves from the unending cycle of birth and death.

For realised beings of the Vedic era, there is no “after death”, because for the soul there is no death, so how can there be “after death”? What normal people call death is in reality only the end of the physical body. The earth known as Mrityu Lok, is the plane of mortality, where life ends with the decay and death of the physical body perceived by our five senses.

The journey of the soul after death, which in India we call devachan or devasthan was originally discovered and intuited by the ancient sages of India thousands of years ago, and one can find the details of this in the Brahmanical rituals of the shraad. Narratives of near-death experiences in modern times have validated many of the stages in this journey.

According to the Sanatan system of knowing, the soul though itself an immortal entity residing in a physical body, has a lifespan. This lifespan differs from individual to individual, as per their personal karma. According to its lifespan, the soul lives in the physical body, does good deeds, neutral deeds, bad deeds, living according to the karma released to it for this lifetime. Then comes old age, the body starts to decay and like our garments get old and torn and must be discarded, the body too is discarded by the soul.

Here begins the journey of the soul after the death of the physical body.

At the first instance, the soul leaves the outermost coat, which is the physical casement, or the physical garment, but the coat of its subtler emotional and mental garments remains. The body is burnt, the physical body, the garment, which is not the soul — the apparent self is burnt, and the true self, the soul, covered by its passions, emotions and the mind passes out of the body.

For seventy-two hours after the body shell is burnt or buried the soul remains in the plane called the Pret Lok. The soul hovers in the burial or cremation ground as the emotional, mental and intuitional body disengages itself from the physical and ethereal body while working out its grossest karma, those that are closest to the physical body.

On the third day, according to the shraad ritual the soul is offered food that it enjoyed when in the body. It’s laid out so that the spirit, which is there, satisfies its last leftover desires, to move from Pret Lok to the next plane, called the Pishachya Lok.

Once in the Pishachya Lok, the soul works out the subtler karmas of its emotional and passional body, satisfying its carnal desires before it can break through the Pishachic shell. To facilitate the breaking of the shell a ritual is performed on this day to release the soul from its limited passional and emotional consciousness, to get it into a state of mental consciousness. When that puja is done, the shell breaks.

Around the tenth day the soul, having more or less satisfied all its desires starts its transition to the Pitr Lok, the plane of the ancestors. Here the ancestors and in the case of disciples their Satguru will appear to lead the soul through the maze. Even though most of the residual karmas are worked out, in the initial stages even of Pitr Lok some differences and bitterness are resolved. Nullifying all its karma the soul gets purer and joins its ancestors, those who are enlightened.

The soul then finally rests in the Dev Lok, the heavenly spheres. After working out all its good and bad karmas the soul rests. This is its journey from the earthly terrestrial sphere of Bhur, to the intermediate astral stage of Bhuvaha to the celestial heavenly sphere of Svaha.

Then again it reincarnates, descending from Svaha, to Bhuvaha to Bhur, taking once again, an intuitional body, then a mental body, an emotional then an etheric body, and finally a physical body in the womb of a mother who is most suitable for its karma.  Parents who will give the maximum facilities for its spiritual evolution are chosen by the soul.

This not just a belief in India, it’s a fact and many have had firsthand experience of it. So death is nothing to be afraid of.

“Why do people think of me what I am not supposed to be?

They call me death and yet I take them to Eternity.

Oh, this paradox of ignorance

Deludes humanity.”*

Now we come to the most important part, what happens to a sincerely practicing yogi progressing along the chosen path in this process of life and death, in the terrestrial plane and afterlife? A meditating yogi, depending upon the practice and because of the speed of the evolutionary practice of yoga works out the karma of the devachan, life after the death of the body, while in the body itself. The yogi does not go through the planes of bhuvaha and svaha, the yogi does not travel through the pret and pishachya lok nor the pitr lok. Some even transcend the dev lok, consciously leaving this body to merge into the finality of the Supreme Conscious Being.

*From Yogiraj Siddhanath’s poem, “Death”

Note: This is a reprint of an article published January 18, 2019 in the online publication, The Pioneer.

For more of Yogiraj’s profound wisdom, meet him at an upcoming event or watch his YouTube videos!

An Ocean of Loving Energy Awaits us at Carlsbad

It is not often that we are given the opportunity to be a part of something
that will not only change us, but is also world changing.  Combining the powerful energies of the sun
and the ocean with Yogiraj’s loving energy is a combination that will help unlock
our own inner light and open us to the mysteries and love within and around us. 

From testimonies of some of those who have attended previous year’s retreats at
Carlsbad, it is clear that the energy levels seem to be particularly heightened
by the presence of the Pacific Ocean at the doorstep of this venue.  Many spiritual and emotional healings have
taken place over the last couple of years at this retreat.

The oceanfront
location in Carlsbad could be the most powerful and emotionally moving event of
Yogiraj’s tour this year.  We will all be
sharing an oceanfront meditation with Yogiraj on the beach. Yogiraj’s healing
transmissions during this retreat will be working specifically on the chakras
to ease and clear our emotional suffering.

In today’s world, with all its social disharmony and anger, the clearing of our
chakras and getting them balanced is necessary for not only good mental and
emotional health, but also for our spiritual growth.  We live in a world where our uncontrolled
feelings and emotions can cause us great suffering; so healing them with loving
energy will help give us greater wisdom to take our spiritual journey forward.

The elemental nature of the second chakra is water. The healing transmission
with Yogiraj, combined with the elemental nature of the vast ocean will focus
this powerful healing force on each of us. When the second chakra is in balance
we will experience sensations of wellness, pleasure, gratitude, and joy along
with better physical and emotional health.

This is an opportunity
to change your life focus and direction – a chance for true healing in the
presence of a Master!

Space is still available for this retreat! hwww.vps105180.inmotionhosting.com/events/yogiraj-events

Catskill Mountains – Dazzle in the City of Jewels and Transfigure to the Seat of the Soul

Yogiraj’s East Coast retreat will be held in the Catskill Mountains this year!
Ignite the fire of
your navel chakra, “the city of jewels” under the crystal clear constellations
on Frost Valley Mountain as Yogiraj transmits his healing energy during your
meditation.  Take this blazing journey in the night by the camp fire.  Feel the brilliance of the sun as your navel
chakra is awakened, balanced and activated according to your receptivity and individual
karma.  Find your personal power and unleash
the consciousness of self within the vast universe.

Enter the realm where
one finds the ultimate self, within the sixth chakra, “the seat of the soul.” 
Yogiraj will be empowering you into Kriya Yoga amidst the cool mountain of
Frost Valley during the beginning of the fall equinox, surrounded by Lake Swan
and the gurgling streams and brooks that hug this pristine grassland.  Dwell in
your sacred space of non-judgment. Become the witness of your consciousness and
experience peace and detachment from the thinking mind.  Experience yourself as
an extension of the universal consciousness.  Sign up now! http://www.vps105180.inmotionhosting.com/events/yogiraj-events

Shasta – Infusing the Divine into our Everyday Life

We are
all looking forward to New Life Awakening with Yogiraj at Shasta.  Each experience with him, whether it be the
first or tenth, is unique and life changing.
is the ideal energy vortex to learn and practice Kriya Yoga – this holy
mountain has an inherently powerful pull on our astral spine to facilitate the
movement of the Kriya Breath from the base of the spine (the first chakra) to
the sixth chakra at the third-eye center. Practicing Kriya at Shasta in the
presence of Yogiraj will accelerate the raising of Kundalini potential to
awaken us faster towards our goal of Self-Realization.
year, some of us were blessed to perceive the presence of higher beings
attending Yogiraj’s evening sessions on the mountain. This was made possible by
an increase in the vibration of our subtle senses and opening of the third eye
center.  Even these residents of the hidden Shasta came to pay their respects
and to be transformed in the presence of a true Master. Their example should
inspire us to treasure this spiritual gift that is beyond our rational

years or even life-times of suffering can be avoided by experiencing Kriya at
Mt. Shasta with Yogiraj. Don’t hesitate and miss this opportunity. Listen to
your heart and sign-up now for the upcoming retreat to avoid disappointment.   http://www.vps105180.inmotionhosting.com/events/yogiraj-events

Earth Peace Through Self Peace

Every morning I am born anew. There is love in my heart, and wisdom is radiating from my mind. I bow to the in dwelling Spirit residing in all of us. That at the level of consciousness, humanity is one.  I am Spirit, I am Truth, I am Love Divine, this Body, Mind a Dream of Mine. The only purpose of man’s sojourn on this Earth is to seek God, all other things are secondary details.

This is pure spirituality.  If Earth Peace is to happen on Earth, let us realize that Humanity is our uniting Religion, Breath our uniting Prayer, and Consciousness our uniting  God.

Celebrate Earth Peace through Self Peace on International Yoga Day, 21st…

” Awaken to your rights!
Humanity is our uniting religion
Breath is our uniting prayer, and
Consciousness is our uniting God”

-Yogiraj Siddhanath

  • Serve Humanity as your Larger Self by meditating on the Peace within and radiating the same to the World without.
  • Use the way of the Peaceful Breath which flows equally in all as a means for attaining World Peace. Thereby, diffusing Individual and International conflicts.
  • By virtue of being a World Citizen, it is the inborn right of every Human Being to endeavor to attain the Consciousness of Natural Enlightenment for the Peace of all Humankind and exercise your Will-to-Good for making one another’s lives on this planet a celebration.
  • Your inalienable right lies in the furthering of Human Evolution for World Peace, leading to the realization that your expanded Consciousness and Humanity’s Consciousness is One!
  • As we evolve, we live less and less in our bodies and more and more in our Consciousness. Hence, Fusion of your Positive Awareness with that of Nature’s cultivates an improved and balanced Eco-System. Help to evolve Nature with your Nature, because Nature is the Nature of Man!
  • Allow yourself to heal and be healed of the negativity of your mind by letting go of the negative mind which covers the Splendor of Your Soul.

The Avadhoot Avatar Doctrine – Yogananda, Anandamayi Ma and Babaji

Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath World Tour Schedule: https://siddhanath.org/events/

The UNREAL Truth about Anandamayi Ma and Paramahansa Yogananda, the Kriya Yoga Master and founder of the Self Realization Fellowship, is a fascinating exploration into the spiritual legacies of these two remarkable figures. Much has been said about Yogananda after his passing, and this video seeks to address various posthumous discussions, offering a nuanced perspective from the vantage point of the Himalayan Kriya Yoga tradition.

Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath, a respected Kriya Yoga master himself, shares his profound personal experiences with Anandamayi Ma, the bliss-permeated mother. Anandamayi Ma is revered for her embodiment of divine joy and spiritual wisdom. In this video, Siddhanath describes his encounters with her, contextualizing them within the Avadhoot Avatar Doctrine. This doctrine is a profound system of spiritual knowledge that aims to delineate the proper spiritual hierarchy among divine beings.

At the summit of this spiritual hierarchy is Mahavatar Babaji, the divine visible-invisible savior. Babaji is recognized as the Mahayogi and Mahaguru, the supreme Yogiraj, who is often referred to as the Nameless One. Despite being beyond all names, Babaji is known by an array of evocative titles. These include the Non-Being Essentiality, the Is-ness of the Zero-Not-Zero, the Eternal Now, Shiv-Goraksha-Babaji, Gorakshanath, Gorakhnath, the Lightning Standing Still, the Lakulish of the Lilac Lagoon, and the Lightless Light which Lights That Light which Lights the Light of All Our Souls, among others.

This video delves into the depths of these titles and what they signify, offering viewers a glimpse into the profound and mystical world of these exalted spiritual figures. It provides a deeper understanding of Mahavatar Babaji’s role in the cosmic order, as well as the spiritual relationships and hierarchies that exist among divine beings. By presenting the insights and experiences of Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath, the video invites viewers to expand their awareness and appreciation of the intricate tapestry of spiritual truths that underpin the teachings of Anandamayi Ma and Paramahansa Yogananda. This exploration not only sheds light on their enduring legacies but also enhances our comprehension of the divine structure that governs the universe.

Support Master Yogiraj Siddhanath’s Worldwide Mission. Buy and download this exact same video for inspiration to play on your computer or mobile device: http://store.payloadz.com/go?id=915830

The Travels of Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath

Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath Travels to Europe and the USA to Teach World Peace Yoga

Himalayan Master Yogiraj Siddhanath brings a unique message of peace to audiences across the world with Kriya Yoga and a new world tour.

Yogiraj Siddhanath Speaks Peace at the United Nations
Earth Peace through Self Peace
San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) June 10, 2015
For generations, many have sought to bring world peace to the planet. While peace has been cultivated in certain geographic regions, a global peace remains elusive. The concept of world peace seems to have become cliché.
Renowned teacher, author, and spiritual leader Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath, however, believes world peace is possible. Yogiraj thinks that it’s simply not pursued in an effective way. Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath has a unique view of world peace and he’s sharing this as a practice with audiences across the world, through his books and this international tour.
The Tour stops in over twelve cities along with three spectacular retreats. The first retreat is along the Pacific Ocean in Carlsbad, the second at the base of Mt Shasta, and the third retreat is in the Catskill Mountains, New York. More information is available on the Siddhanath.org website.
Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath taught the concept of world peace for more than five decades. In fact, peace is the topic on which he established his foundation as a teacher. At the core, his message is and has been one of “Earth peace through Self peace”. An idea that, by yogic breathing, meditation and self-reconciliation, a broader, global sense of camaraderie can be developed, what Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath calls world peace yoga.
Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath has brought this unique doctrine to audiences across the planet. Yogiraj has taught this message of peace at the esteemed United Nations, and at the same time amassed millions of views on his popular YouTube channel. Recently, the master’s views on Earth peace have been compiled and shared in a book, called Babaji: The Lightning Standing Still.
The book is, nominally, a newly revealed study of the ancient figure called Babaji, the progenitor of Yoga. The book includes insights into the ancient practice of kriya yoga given by Babaji, plus, Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath’s instructions on how Earth peace, through inner peace is manifested. It is a far-reaching work that Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath describes as the culmination of his life’s work. Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath is sharing the book with world audiences throughout the summer. The world tour begins in Pune, India, moves from Asia to Europe and then to the United States in July, August and September. The US visit will span from New York to California.
Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath’s visit will include multi-day teaching events and yoga retreats. At all of the tour stops, the author and teacher will expound upon the doctrine of “Earth peace through Self peace.” Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath says that while in the West, Yoga is often viewed as physical postures. In India, Yoga has long been the gateway to profound, inner peace. In his own words, “The alpha and omega of yoga is self realization” – in essence, the most lasting inner peace humanly possible..
For details about Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath’s tour and where to see him in-person, visit his website:https://siddhanath.org/events/ The website also offers books, poetry and videos as well as in-depth information about his life’s mission.

Yogiraj Siddhanath’s Contribution to the World Yogic Treasury

Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath
  1. SHIVAPAT– Sharing his Enlightened Consciousness of thoughtless awareness resulting in Spiritual Evolution which brings about a Unified Field of Consciousness amongst the people.
  2. SHAKTIPAT – Transmitting center to center in the disciple’s Chakras the Kundalini Energy which burns their negative karmas.
  3. PRANAPAT – Breathing His spiritual Prana (life force) through the breath of the disciples in their spinal cord flushing out all toxins & emotional stress.
  4. HAMSA – The Hamsa means the Swan and symbolizes the Soul. In meditation, Yogiraj has seen the Hamsa Swan symbolized in the lateral ventricles of his brain. These superconscious states of a Yogi  are clearly documented in his film “Wings to Freedom”. He bestows these states on deserving disciples who have practiced Kriya Yoga assiduously.
  5. BABAJI’S MYSTERY UNVEILED –  Yogiraj reveals that Shiva Goraksha, the Supreme Master of Yoga, and the Babaji mentioned in Yogananda’s Autobiography are one and the same person. This is clearly researched in his book “Babaji – The Lightning Standing Still”.

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