The Avadhoot Avatar Doctrine – Yogananda, Anandamayi Ma and Babaji

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The UNREAL Truth about Anandamayi Ma and Paramahansa Yogananda, the Kriya Yoga Master and founder of the Self Realization Fellowship, is a fascinating exploration into the spiritual legacies of these two remarkable figures. Much has been said about Yogananda after his passing, and this video seeks to address various posthumous discussions, offering a nuanced perspective from the vantage point of the Himalayan Kriya Yoga tradition.

Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath, a respected Kriya Yoga master himself, shares his profound personal experiences with Anandamayi Ma, the bliss-permeated mother. Anandamayi Ma is revered for her embodiment of divine joy and spiritual wisdom. In this video, Siddhanath describes his encounters with her, contextualizing them within the Avadhoot Avatar Doctrine. This doctrine is a profound system of spiritual knowledge that aims to delineate the proper spiritual hierarchy among divine beings.

At the summit of this spiritual hierarchy is Mahavatar Babaji, the divine visible-invisible savior. Babaji is recognized as the Mahayogi and Mahaguru, the supreme Yogiraj, who is often referred to as the Nameless One. Despite being beyond all names, Babaji is known by an array of evocative titles. These include the Non-Being Essentiality, the Is-ness of the Zero-Not-Zero, the Eternal Now, Shiv-Goraksha-Babaji, Gorakshanath, Gorakhnath, the Lightning Standing Still, the Lakulish of the Lilac Lagoon, and the Lightless Light which Lights That Light which Lights the Light of All Our Souls, among others.

This video delves into the depths of these titles and what they signify, offering viewers a glimpse into the profound and mystical world of these exalted spiritual figures. It provides a deeper understanding of Mahavatar Babaji’s role in the cosmic order, as well as the spiritual relationships and hierarchies that exist among divine beings. By presenting the insights and experiences of Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath, the video invites viewers to expand their awareness and appreciation of the intricate tapestry of spiritual truths that underpin the teachings of Anandamayi Ma and Paramahansa Yogananda. This exploration not only sheds light on their enduring legacies but also enhances our comprehension of the divine structure that governs the universe.

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