Tag Archive for: Spiritual Master


Dear Hamsas,

I would like to share with you my Samadhi experience from the last UK retreat.

In the beginning, my ego was so strong that I slipped in and out of the meditation again and again. I can’t remember a single word he said although he was talking almost uninterruptedly. The mind tried to grasp those words but soon gave up and relaxed. After some time the ego got completely silent. No thoughts, no sense of the aching body, no sense of time.

I noticed the other disciples turn into a flat, extremely thin, rainbow colored film of light. This all happened while I kept watching my Master closely. His physical body turned into light, changing quickly from positive to negative light (like a negative slide). Then Gurunath’s face dissolved and then the whole body started dissolving. Inside me there was absolute stillness, calm and peace. No thoughts. It was a tremendous experience.

On Sunday, when photos were taken, Gurunath told us: “Look at me.” In a split second I again was in the state of Samadhi he took us to the day before. Even now, after one week, I do not really feel part of everyday life. I’m still somehow in a state of silent observer and I’m deeply grateful for this experience.

– Anonymous


Being in the presence of a Master; a true, realized, Master, is one of the. most magical experiences that a disciple can experience.

I was sitting with the others, trying to follow the spiritual indications of my Master while my mind was full of thoughts. . .so loud and annoying!

“My God,” I said to myself. “Why isn’t the ego silent?” And the thoughts responded by growing louder in my mind.

And then suddenly…Bam! My thoughts were so distant that I could no longer hear them, like the whisper of a distant wind.

My brain was full of light, and light, everywhere around me!

The ego was an insignificant speck of dust compared to the Light and Divine Love that spread inside me.

We are Divine beings, not our ego. This is the experience, the gift of Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath for all the souls of humanity.

Om Namah Shivaya


At the end of the Carlsbad retreat in Southern California this summer, we had a wonderful unanticipated experience. As is customary at the end of all of Gurunath’s retreats, group photographs were taken. For the final photographs that include the whole group, Gurunath wanted us all to turn around and face the back of the room. Gurunath sat in a chair at the back of the room with a large window behind him. After all the photographs were taken, he suddenly and unexpectedly guided us into states of samadhi. His face transformed and sometimes looked like the negative of a photograph, the kind of photograph that used to be taken before the digital age. When he took us to an Ananda state, I felt blissful and had tears of joy rolling down my cheek. At first, I tried to practice the Kriya breath. Then I had a hard time getting the breath to go down my spine. It only wanted to stay in the upper parts of my body. Then for what seemed like a long period of time, it didn’t seem necessary to breathe at all. I realized later that this was a state of kevali kumbhak. Gurunath transported us to a state of absolute stillness. I can’t really describe what it was like, but it was an amazing experience.After Gurunath brought us back to a normal state and we opened our eyes, a five-year-old girl among us wanted to ask Gurunath a question. She wanted to know where God was, if He was in front of her or behind. Gurunath thought for a moment about the best way to answer her. “My dear,” he said. “God is everywhere.” Gurunath explained that when he spoke to her, God was speaking through him. Similarly, when she had asked her question, God was speaking through her. The little girl seemed dissatisfied with this answer. She said that she wanted to see God. Gurunath then invited her to come up to him and look in his eyes so she could see God. She accepted the invitation and walked up close to Gurunath to gaze into his eyes. She said that when she looked into Gurunath’s eyes, she saw a blue sparkly diamond.

Then one of the adults at the satsang said he wanted to see God, too. Gurunath told him that he could view his (Gurunath’s) physical body. He said that the experience he had given us would last not just for a day but for our whole lifetime. Speaking of himself, he told us very seriously, “You don’t know what you have.”


By Yogiraj Satgurunath Siddhanath

Wild flowers so fresh in life
Breeze through alleys of my mind
Fragrancing memories of the past
In mountain lakes reflections cast

In wooded valleys berries crushed
The flavor of the mystic musk
Within me did old memories rise
Devotions to the sunset skies

Forest aroma deep in damp
Wild smell of the wooded pines
Oh! the déjà vu of jungle times
Of long past meditations lives

Where in sylvan bowers I sat
Not in this world nor in that
Just in the joy of Selfing mirth
The odor of the fragrant earth!

My mind a laughing gurgling stream
Running the bedrocks mossy green
Becomes a calm meandering dream
Flowing into Myself serene

My melting mind a flowing stream
Entered the rainbow ocean light
There was no fear nor sorrows night
Except awareness and delight

How long I sat there no one knows
The eventide its shadows cast
In many a sunrise rays I basked
No one came nor ever asked

The trivial round the common task
Meditation then to me became
A natural mind in tune so tame
Transcending frivolous name and fame

Just being quiet was so good
A lying log, a forest wood
Moving with the natural breeze
Amidst the deep dark forest trees

With body dead consciousness live
Expanding in eternal skies
Beyond mayas conditioned dream
The self merging in Self supreme.


Your Stories About Yogiraj  “As usual, it’s not easy to find words to describe Nath, but the Atmanar was a deeply transformational and unfathomable experience where there really was no boundary between us and our Beloved Master. Like He brought us all back to life, giving our sadhana a reboot and taking us beyond where we’d previously managed to reach. Feel so much gratitude for what we’ll never be able to quantify or fully grasp. Even typing these words about Him has settled my mind. Jai SatGuruNath!
– Atmanaar Attendee



We are collecting testimonials from around the world from people who have experienced the specialness of Yogiraj’s presence in their lives.  Whether you’ve experienced Yogiraj in a dream or have met him in real life, we’d love to know your story.  Your testimonial will be kept private for Yogiraj if you choose or you may wish to share openly in Siddhanath Newsletter and social media. Yogiraj invites you to share your experiences at testimonial.vps105180.inmotionhosting.com


The Mahashivratri Retreat and Hamsa Pilgrimage to the Himalayas were profound, healing, sacred, and joy-filled events. The days were filled with satsangs, sadhana, seva, and catching up with Hamsas from around the world. As usual, the Italian Hamsa family operated the Hamsa Cafe, serving excellent Italian coffee and snacks to SatGurunath, Guruma, and caffeine hungry disciples, creating an ideal setting for impromptu satsangs as SatGurunath enjoyed his coffee.











Each day felt timeless; the outside world totally irrelevant. Seeking “Nothing” and doing “Nothing” were the primary focus of all – experiencing the silent bliss of God by being with The Presence who could transport us to these states. Day and night, perpetually and forever, SatGurunath worked on the evolution of our consciousness – whether in our waking or sleeping state.

Mahashivratri itself was a momentous day, and SatGurunath shared the scientific meaning of this day, available in the video of the month, “The Scientific Meaning of Mahashivratri”. The Nandi that had been in front of SatGurunath’s meditation cave near the dining area for years was consecrated in its new home in front of the temple entrance. This day was further celebrated by musical performances by classical Indian musicians and dancers and with Abishek of the mercury Shivalingham later in the evening. That night, SatGurunath held a goshti, or fireside satsang that continued on into the early hours of the morning. What a treat and blessing!

The Himalayas welcomed SatGurunath with a beautiful sunset on our arrival in Dehradun.  We spent one night in Rishikesh, then departed on the long drive up the mountain towards Ushamath – the location of the Omakareshwar temple, more commonly known as the wedding place of Krishna’s grandson to Usha.  However, SatGurunath shared that this temple is blessed, protected by, and a place to worship the great Mahandatta, who stands behind the statue of Lord Shiva when you look carefully within the sanctum sanctorum of the temple.  Lucky disciples also got to visit the Kali Math temple.

The pilgrimage ended in Rishikesh where a satsang by the banks of the Ganges took place, and disciples bathed and rafted in the holy waters. It felt like these pilgrimages took years off of our physical lives and progressed us years in our spiritual lives.  Jai SatGurunath!



We welcome all Hamsas to join us in raising funds for the Annapurna Temple at the Yogiraj Siddhanath Forest Ashram in Pune, India.

You can donate with PayPal at donate@vps105180.inmotionhosting.com. When donating, please add a note “For Annapurna Temple”. 

With SatGurunath, Again, At Last!

On the 19th of May, SatGurunath was at last joining us in the beautiful countryside of Buckinghamshire, on the outskirts of London’s suburbs. Most of us had been separated from our Master, Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath for more than two, long years. We were also meeting our fellow Hamsa sisters and brothers after such a long time. The simple joy of seeing each other’s faces and embracing each other was really treasured. Anticipation grew as the satsang hall filled with chanting to welcome SatGurunath. A short buzz of activity, and in swept The Presence, before us. How to explain the experience of meeting our Master in person? Words fail us, but we must make a feeble effort.

The body, through deep and timeless recognition, is filled with intense joy, the heart fills and is lifted up. Tears spring to the eyes. It is almost as if one is floating on a cloud of joy. Totally concurrently, there is a still, small voice that whispers within oneself, “What is all this hubbub? I have always been with you. I am with you now and will always be with you.” But the heart continues to dance on in glee, regardless!

Even though our beautiful satsang hall was filled with people, SatGurunath, in his infinite generosity, went around and connected with every single person within the room, finding out who they were and where they came from. This created a deeply personal, spiritual bridge between each of the participants and SatGurunath that lasted the whole weekend and beyond. Each of us felt that we were being continuously, individually addressed and blessed.

Even during our breaks, we continued to move within the Sacred. The newly refurbished Manor House Hotel where we were staying was situated in glorious parklands, with groves of majestic, mature trees and sloping green fields that swept down to the river. During our breaks, we could walk together in this ancient setting, either in silence or exchanging our experiences. 

How can one describe the experience of SatGurunath allowing us to share his Samadhi?  The mind asks, “How in Heaven’s name are we worthy of this supreme experience?” But the little mind could find no answer, as the question far outstripped its capacity, and, at last, it stilled in awe and wonder. Our little minds were at last able to drop all of our petty worries and concerns and bathe in the bliss of the Master. This blissful state lasted throughout the weekend and for much time after our return home. We were blessed and healed in The Presence.

Our whole weekend was showered with glorious sunshine, a very unpredictable gift in the British Isles. On one occasion, SatGurunath asked us to come outside and sit on the grass, amid the buttercups and daisies, bathed in sunshine. SatGurunath wanted to do a special technique with us. He asked us to think of one thought pattern that was impeding us most in our private and spiritual lives. He asked us to bring

this thought in front of our mind. Then, in the Divine blink of an eye, and from the endless generosity of his heart, the Master removed this thought pattern from our minds. This was an infinite blessing. We realized that these patterns were possibly with us for many years and remained, regardless of our spiritual practice. They represented a serious block in our spiritual development. The relief, the light and the infinite freedom that we experienced after this healing was indescribable. The path of progress was unblocked, and all seemed so much easier.  We tried to mumble our thanks to SatGurunath, using very inadequate words.

Very sadly, our community in the UK had just lost a very dear and treasured Hamsa sister, Irene, just days before our retreat started. Because of this loss, our hearts were heavy. But SatGurunath, in his infinite love for us, helped us with this. He addressed Irene’s beloved son, Samir, who was sitting in the front row. SatGurunath told him not to worry, that he was looking after his mother and that she was fine.  All of our hearts were lifted and reassured that this was indeed the case. We knew then that our Master cares and treasures us, whether in the body or beyond.  

Waking up on the last day of the seminar was a mixture of excitement at the thought of the events of the coming day and yet sadness that this blessed experience will soon be over. However, all thought of lack and separation was totally dispelled that day. We not only had the blessing of the presence of SatGurunath, but his son, Senior Kriyavaan Kriyacharya Shivraj ji also taught us and took questions and answers on the last day at the satsang hall. We were blessed to have SatGurunath sitting humbly amongst us and steering the questions with sincere curiosity at Shivraj ji, so we could partake of his encyclopaedic spiritual knowledge.

One of the experiences that was particularly treasured by us was when SatGurunath graciously and generously shared his private time with us, even while eating. We gathered around him and Shivraj ji, almost sitting on top of one another, so that we could hear the informal, personal sharing of wisdom. We appreciated the fact that they both generously and unstintingly shared their personal time with us and unfailingly answered all of our questions.

By the end of the day, having taken all of our photographs, we were totally revived, healed and blessed. We were ready to run and catch our taxis, trains and planes and return home in our cars and camper vans.  Even though we rejoined very quickly the busy and bustling world, our hearts remained content and overflowing with the joy of the resplendent Presence of our Divine Master!

KARMA – Poem by Yogiraj Siddhanath


(Soliloquy of Mind and Spirit)

I brushed aside the curtain of the window of mine eye
And beheld the sparkling Truth, that within me did reply,
Oh Man you’re not this house of flesh, sleeps decays and dies,
You are immortal consciousness, king of earth and skies

Then burdened why am I, with the coat of flesh and bone?
I questioned earnestly that Truth, my very conscious home,
This coat your seed desire was, whose fruit is now your own,
Created by yourself you must reap what you have sown.

Is this also the reason For the hardships of life?
Yes~ Each cause has its relation just as Husband has a Wife.
Every action its reaction has, with certainty that’s True.
Do good works results of which, shall mould your life anew.

Pray tell me why the difference twixt the people on this earth?
Why do some have poverty some no financial dearth?
Why some sad and others gay some sick and others strong?
Is this the outcome of past deeds of personal right and wrong?

You’ve spoken well and seem to know God’s Mathematical Law
All wrongs must be redressed indeed, this fact it has no flaw.
All rights are rewards in proportion and no more.
To each one is meted out his exact and proper score.

This unbribable Judge we people, call “The Karmic Law”.
The supervisor of the Fates of our worldly see-saw
Who justify balances the ups and downs of lives of man
Fitting the jigsaw of our fates as we ourselves had planned.

What proof Hamsa Atman, can one get of his former karma?
The proof your own existence, circumstances and your dharma.
Your individual present, tells your reciprocal past,
As per their past desires, people get their present task.

To the Truth is Truth begot, the liar gets his own,
So make your actions such, whose reactions you don’t moan,
To the likeness of your thinking shall your character be made,
Dig deep your mind for noble thoughts, with intellectual spade.

Oh Hamsa Spirit of my soul what is my final goal?
Is there any such remedy to break this karmic hold?
This duality of opposites, teach me to override.
Take me with thee oh spirit free, on to the other side.

I am the Sun you are my ray, you must become the whole,
By good conduct and service, your character shall mould,
By devotional meditation, I-your spirit shall unfold,
The ray become the blazing Sun, yourself as Me behold!

By Yog~Martand Yogiraj Siddhanath