80th Birthday Ceremony & Celebration of SatGurunath at the Siddhanath Forest Ashram

80th Birthday Celebration of SatGurunath


Drawn by the magnetic pull of the Himalayan Master, seekers traveled from afar to the Siddhanath Forest Ashram, nestled in the valley of Simhagarh, to celebrate the 80th birthday ceremony of their beloved Master. The Mother Center vibrated with calmness and serenity; and inner peace, healing and tranquility was experienced effortlessly on reaching this Tapoboomi, the abode of SatGurunath.

Disciples began arriving two days prior to the event with great enthusiasm. Despite the scorching heat of the summer sun, Hamsas reached the ashram walking their way with love and endurance.

On the following day, as the morning sun lit the blue skies with hues of gold, the ashram bustled with Hamsas spread around practicing the Surya Yoga technique, while others peacefully meditated inside the Earth Peace temple. This temple houses the world’s largest solid akhand, or mercury Shivalinga. Meditating in the radiance of this Shivalinga is a divine opportunity for seekers to rejuvenate and transform their own self.

As the day progressed, Hamsas enjoyed a hearty lunch amidst the torrid summer heat. The Hamsas further had a blessed time when SatGurunath graced all with his darshan followed by a blissful goshti (spiritual chat from a guru) session. The thrill heightened as the winds blew, clouds roared with loud thunder and there was a heavy downpour. The fresh aroma of mother earth soaked in rain waters penetrated deeply into our souls, leaving a joyous realization of the divine grace being showered by the Master, towards whom deepest gratitude was humbly offered. As the evening embraced the night sky, the Hamsas finished decorating the ashram and planning for the special day.

As the first light of dawn touched early morning skies, the most awaited and auspicious 80th birthday celebration began with the Laghu-Rudrabhishek poojan. The pandits arrived at the Earth Peace temple and prepared for poojan in the the beautifully decorated sanctum sanctorum of the temple.
80th Birthday Celebration of SatGurunath
All Hamsas gathered near the Annapurna mandir which was adorned with beautiful flower hangings, hand painted earthen pots and lights. We awaited the blissful arrival of SatGurunath accompanied by the entire Guru-pariwar. The Hamsas were divided in small groups and guided to enter the temple in batches to witness the grand abhishekam. The pandits began the recitation of sacred slokas, and SatGurunath commenced with the abhishek of the Paradeshwar Shivalinga. The entire sanctum sanctorum vibrated with an outburst of profound divine energy which enveloped the premises, immersing each one in this divine energy.

At lunch, a sumptuous meal was first served to the married women present at the ashram and auspicious gifts were lovingly offered to them; this was a part of the Suhasini-poojan ritual conducted by our beloved Guruma. Later on, the remaining Hamsas also joined to savor the delicious lunch.

Simultaneously, the Sahastra Chandra darshan poojan and havan ceremony began at the Annapurna temple. With sacred loud chants echoing in the divine environs of the ashram, this ritual was solemnized by SatGurunath and his entire family.

The sacred havan smoke rose from the havan-kund, filling the area with its unique fragrance, and all the Hamsas were seated to witness these enchanting moments in the divine surroundings. The havan was then followed by the sacred abhishek of the Rudravatar – YogirajSatGurunath Siddhanath, which was lovingly commenced by his eldest son, Yogi Shivraj-ji who was accompanied by the entire family. This ceremony filled each one present with a sense of awe. It was so mesmerizing that I felt even God and divine beings from heaven would wish to witness this event!

80th Birthday Celebration of SatGurunathAt twilight, the sanga was blessed with a warm and loving welcome from Yogi Shivraj-ji at the beautifully decorated Nath Mandal. This was followed by the collective divine chanting by the Hamsas. Opening their heart chakras, Hamsas awaited the arrival of SatGurunath. A special sacred aarti thaali was lit with beautifully decorated 81 diyas (lights), and the family offered a divine aarti ceremony to Satgurunath which was followed by the cake cutting ceremony. Everyone finally settled with deep gratitude for the long awaited divine satsang, with the Presence – Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath. Each moment quenched the soul of all present there, further deepening the connection with the inner self. As the satsang progressed, everyone’s minds melted and dissolved into a no-mind state, blessed with the divine sharing of his samadhi experience.

When the satsang ended, all gathered at the dining area for food prayers, and some Hamsas lovingly offered gifts to SatGurunath while others relished the piping hot food. As the night deepened, we reminisced on this divine occasion and each one felt fortunate to have seized the opportunity to be a part of this blissful ceremony.

At dawn the next day, everyone bid goodbye to SatGurunath. Blessed with enriching transformative experiences and the warmth of divine love treasured deep in our hearts, the Hamsas set their footsteps back home leaving the Mother Center, Siddhanath Forest Ashram, the abode of SatGurunath with a heavy heart but a strong commitment to walk on his guided path.

~ A Hamsa

80th Birthday Celebration of SatGurunath