Tag Archive for: yoga

An Ocean of Divine Healing Energy at Carlsbad

It is not often that we are given the opportunity to participate in something that not only transforms us individually but also has the potential to create ripples of change throughout the world. This unique event combines the powerful energies of the sun and the ocean with the loving, healing presence of Yogiraj, creating a potent synergy that can unlock our inner light and connect us to the mysteries and love within and around us.

Testimonies from previous attendees of the Carlsbad retreats reveal that the energy levels are significantly amplified by the proximity of the Pacific Ocean. Many participants have experienced profound spiritual and emotional healings during these retreats, finding the oceanfront setting particularly conducive to heightened energy and transformation. Over the past few years, the Carlsbad retreat has become renowned for its remarkable ability to facilitate deep healing and personal growth.

This year, the oceanfront location in Carlsbad is poised to be the most powerful and emotionally moving event of Yogiraj’s tour. Participants will share an oceanfront meditation on the beach with Yogiraj, where his healing transmissions will focus specifically on the chakras, easing and clearing emotional suffering. In today’s world, marked by social disharmony and widespread anger, balancing and clearing our chakras is essential not only for our mental and emotional well-being but also for our spiritual growth.

Yogiraj’s healing energies will particularly target the second chakra, or Svadhisthana. When this chakra is unbalanced, it can lead to feelings of disconnection, emotional instability, heightened fears of change, blocked creativity, and depression. However, when Svadhisthana is in balance, we experience sensations of wellness, pleasure, gratitude, and joy, along with improved physical and emotional health. The elemental nature of the second chakra is water, making the oceanfront setting in Carlsbad ideal for this powerful healing work.

During this special meditation and transmission, Yogiraj will harness the elemental energy of the vast ocean, focusing this potent healing force on each participant. His personally tailored transmissions promise to be a transformative experience, offering a profound opportunity for true healing. This retreat is a chance to change your life’s focus and direction, to heal in the presence of a Master, and to experience a deep connection with the healing energies of nature and divine love.

Don’t miss this unparalleled opportunity to be part of an ocean of Divine Healing Energy at Carlsbad that can profoundly change your life and contribute to the collective healing of our world. Join us at Carlsbad for a retreat that promises to be an unforgettable journey into the depths of your own soul, guided by the loving energy of Yogiraj and the timeless, healing presence of the ocean.

Yoga: Our Parent Source, per Yogiraj Siddhanath


YOGA: Our Parent Source
A Conversation with Yogiraj Siddhanath
By Sergio Barreto Solis
Welcome, Yogiraj.  Let’s start with an obvious which, likely, isn’t.  What is
the purpose of Yoga?

The purpose of Yoga is You, and the purpose of You is your finite
consciousness merging into Infinite Consciousness.  Yoga is Consciousness.  And Supreme Yoga is Divine
each of us is this mystic, inconceivable, indescribable Silence and Love
and this urge (calling us) back to our naturalness, or Sahaj Samadhi, our
natural state of Divine Consciousness.
Yoga is the science, the way, and the path to actualize the essence of your
Being.  It has nothing to do with culture or religion.  It’s just your path
to Truth.  It’s an inner ascent through ever more refined and ever more
expanded spheres of Consciousness to Divinity, that stillness before the
Big Bang; a stillness which lies at the core of your own Being.
Is samadhi something we’ve experienced and forgotten?

Yogiraj: Samadhi is a natural state of enlightenment.  When Consciousness enters different
sheaths of the body, there is a descent of this awareness into grosser and
grosser sheaths.  And this is what is
called Maya.  Consciousness enters the mental sheath.  Then it enters the
astral sheath of emotions.  And then
it enters the etheric sheath, and then it enters the womb and the material
sheath of flesh and blood and bone.
it gets more and more restricted as it, in relative sequence, by various
permutations, combinations, and aggregation of molecules, becomes denser
and denser and denser.  That’s why
man, when he takes birth from the womb of a mother, his breath penetrates
and injects his physical body with such force that the cause is mistaken
for the effect, and man idolatrously imagines himself to be the body and
not the Soul.  And then, by practice
of yoga and other techniques, “he” goes back to the natural state of
the breath is infused into the flesh with such force that you think you are
the body, whereas you are actually the Soul.  And Yoga is a technique to reverse the
electrical flow of prana, or life
essence energy, to regain paradise lost.  And when you, by the yogic
process, reverse your process, interiorize — you merge into your own Divine
Consciousness and realize that you are a Soul and you have a body.
the common people today think they are a body and possess a Soul.  It’s not
that!  Yoga teaches that you are a Spirit unfettered in the body and possess
an appendix, an attachment of “body,” that is just your garment.
What is the Yoga of the Himalayas and how is it distinguished from “Studio
Yoga” taught in the West?

There is only one Yoga. The apparent difference between all yoga branches
is only of degree and not of kind. To a Knowing Master, the various yogas
can be organized in an ascending order from the physical postural yoga
(known as Yoga Asanas) to the emotional / devotional Bhakti Yoga then
further ascending to the more mental Mantra, Tantra and Laya Yogas then
ascending and expanding further into the intuitional Raja and Gyan Yoga of
true knowledge.
they say yoga here in the West, they mostly imply postural integration —
asanas, where they do the Yoga Asanas, the movement of body in various
postures, to bring about health. Yoga Asanas are like a self-given shiatsu,
self-given massage where you press and compress your body, you heal
yourself with them.
basically and essentially, Yoga is not postures of integration of asanas.
Essentially, the core meaning of Yoga is Samadhi which means “composed mind,” the union of the finite
with Infinite Consciousness.
“Studio Yoga” is the initial tenderfoot, yet sincere effort of most Western
teachers to maintain bodily fitness and then further ascend toward the one
Yoga which is Samadhi, the fusion of the finite with the Infinite
Consciousness.  The urge is to go back to our Parent Source.
Why is the guidance of a guru or meditation master important to the
practice of Yoga?

Yoga is a natural process of the journey of the soul towards its parent
source, the Spirit.  But it takes a million, million years for a soul to
reach its natural state of Yoga-union with its Infinite Spirit.
order to avoid all karmic pitfalls and difficulties and to make the journey
of our soul safer, swifter, and more blessed, it is most important that one
evolves himself in his journey by the grace of a divine master, one who has
realized Samadhi-Yoga, or the True State of Infinite Consciousness.
a normal meditation practitioner would take to accomplish in several
million years, the blessings of a Satguru, or Master, and the technique of
Kriya Yoga would accomplish in twenty-four years, in twelve years even,
and, if the practice is intensified, in six years and three years in very exceptional
the unchartered ocean of life, the Satguru is the navigator and the goal is
Shiva’s Divine Form, or realized Samadhi Yoga, the goal of Divine
Consciousness. Under no stretch of imagination, can the Satguru’s
usefulness be dispensed within Himalayan Yoga or any yoga.
What then is Kriya Yoga? How does it differ from other systems of Yoga?

At the outset let me make it clear that all the yogas and faiths and
spiritual practices in the world are the symphony of one divine orchestra,
it is the immature ego in the human mind which makes of this harmony a
disharmony.  All the yogas, if
understood in their proper wisdom, are flowing one into the other as the
musical notes and varied instruments.
Similarly, the practice of postural yoga, of Yoga Asanas flows into
Hatha Yoga which flows into Kriya Yoga, which flows into Raja Yoga and then
into Samadhi Yoga.
a matter of real fact, Kriya Yoga takes the best of all yogas: it is a
connecting yoga between Hatha and Raja Yogas containing the properties of
both and linking the spectrum of all.
Patanjali mentions Kriya Yoga in his second chapter which comprises
self-endeavored discipline, self-endeavored study, and a pure offering of
one’s self to the Divine, be it as Guru or God.
Yoga is the science of life-force energy control which develops into a
concentration and then a meditative practice until Kriya Yoga finally
merges that into states of Samadhi and is then qualified to be called Raja
the mind is dissolved, then this yoga expands into the ecstasy of total
enlightenment called Kaivalya or Brahma Nirvana.  It is from and with this
total enlightenment that the Satguru guides aspiring practitioners towards
Samadhi, home, to their Parent Source.
over 40 years, Yogiraj Siddhanath has healed and transformed millions all
over the world with his kundalini shakti transmissions, sharing freely his
own Samadhi (enlightened state) of peaceful bliss-consciousness with public
audiences.  Find out more at: www.vps105180.inmotionhosting.com

Awaken in the Presence of a True Spiritual Master

The presence of a true ‪#‎master‬ can awaken the ‪#‎kundalini‬.
And then by the practice of ‪#‎Kriya_Yoga‬, it may ‪#‎ascend‬.

The Awakening of Kundalini through the Presence of a True Master: Yogiraj Siddhanath

The presence of a true master holds the power to ignite the dormant spiritual energy within us known as kundalini. This potent energy, often symbolized as a coiled serpent at the base of the spine, lies latent in most individuals. However, the presence of a realized master like Yogiraj Siddhanath can act as a catalyst, awakening this profound force and setting it on a path of ascension through the chakras.

Yogiraj Siddhanath, a revered Kriya Yoga master, embodies this rare ability to awaken kundalini. His mere presence emanates a transformative energy that can activate the kundalini within his disciples. This awakening is not merely a symbolic or metaphorical event but a tangible, often life-altering experience. Those who have had the privilege of being in Yogiraj Siddhanath’s presence often describe a profound shift in their energy, consciousness, and overall spiritual awareness.

Once awakened, the journey of kundalini is guided through the disciplined practice of Kriya Yoga. This ancient and sacred practice involves a series of techniques designed to purify the body and mind, facilitating the smooth ascension of kundalini through the energy centers or chakras. Kriya Yoga, as taught by Yogiraj Siddhanath, offers a structured and safe approach to this powerful process. It harmonizes breath control, meditation, and specific postures to create a conducive environment for spiritual growth.

The ascension of kundalini through the chakras brings about profound transformations. It purifies the nadis (energy channels), balances the chakras, and expands consciousness, leading to higher states of awareness and ultimately, self-realization. Practitioners often report enhanced mental clarity, emotional stability, and a deep sense of inner peace. The ultimate goal is to achieve a state of union with the divine, realizing the interconnectedness of all life.

Yogiraj Siddhanath’s role as a true master goes beyond merely teaching techniques; he provides the spiritual transmission that awakens and guides the kundalini. His teachings and presence offer a unique and precious opportunity for sincere seekers to embark on this transformative journey. Through the combined power of Yogiraj’s presence and the disciplined practice of Kriya Yoga, the path to spiritual enlightenment and the ascension of kundalini becomes a tangible reality.


The Sacred Science of Kriya Yoga

The Sacred Science of Kriya Yoga 

Come and experience the healing and bliss of Gurunath as thousands before have done.  The Hamsa Yoga New Life Awakening retreats are very special events, unlike any other retreats you have attended. During these Retreats, you will learn very powerful and potent yoga meditation methods which lead you to self-mastery & enlightenment, continuously receive healing transmission of Shaktipat energy (Kundalini energy) from the Master, and get a boast to your spiritual progress by Shivapat (when he shares his Samadhi – Enlightened Soul Consciousness), which will speed up the evolution of your soul.

These experiential New Life Awakening Retreats are perfect opportunities to recharge yourself and make significant progress in your spiritual practice. Each Retreat gives your true Self a period of spiritual renewal, quiet reflection, and further teachings from our beloved Yogiraj.

Sign-up today for Events with Yogiraj Siddhanath. https://siddhanath.org/eventsall/

Kriya Yoga Initiation & Review – Greater Philly Area

Sunday May 4, 2014 – Sunday May 4, 2014

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MEDITATION INNOVATION – “Be the architect of your own happiness,the secret resides in your breath” – Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath



You are cordially invited to participate in Kriya Initiation and Review event on Sunday from 9:30 am – 12:00 pm.
Hamsacharya Surojit Das will conduct the initiation and teach the following techniques as instructed by Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath .

  • Omkar Kriya:Hearing the birthing hum of creation introduces one to the Divine Indweller.
  •  Shiva Shakti Kriya:This practice is Kundalini Energy in motion. It is the raison d’etre of Kundalini Yoga. It deals with the highest evolution of humankind and is thus called the science of all sciences.
  • Maha Mudra:The purpose of Maha Mudra is to open the flow of life energy in the spine by realignment. Integration of the physical, emotional and mental is achieved by body, breath and light movement.
  • Parvasta: Living in the “here-now”:Integrating around a higher center of consciousness. Holding onto the Present Awareness.

For more information about Kriya Yoga, click here.

FEE: Initiation – $108/- ( Cash preferred, no credit card )


This is a good opportunity to get your Kriya Yoga techniques reviewed by Authorized Hamsacharya and ask any questions you may have about the techniques.  Suggested donation for Kriya Yoga Review $20 payable by cash at the venue.




Kriya Yoga Intensive Camp (German Hamsas)

Thursday March 27, 2014 – Sunday April 6, 2014

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This Kriya Yoga Intensive camp is for hamsa group from Germany. Please contact event coordinators for more information.

Seats are limited, please call or email for reserving your seat. Please note that your seat is not reserved till you receive the confirmation email.

Event coordinators: Klaudius Kania, David Schulz
Email: klaudius@hamsa-yoga.org, david.schulz@hamsa-yoga.org
Ph: +49 (0)163 6663602, +49 (0)7733 978 309
