Tag Archive for: Shasta

McCloud Middle Falls Near Mt Shasta

By Sterling Wilson – Southern California Devotee – 2017

McCloud Middle Falls Near Mt Shasta. When we are in nature, standing face to face, it is we who blink first.  Nature holds her gaze.  The energy is too strong for most people- we quickly fall into fiddling with cell phones, talking loudly or drinking beer and building big fires and making lots of noise around them.  We just don’t know what to do with ourselves.  Kriya pranayam and Surya meditation give us a way to connect with nature, something to do there.  This is an ancient lifestyle and it is only the beginning for young America.

The Mc CLoud river becomes Middle Falls as it works its way through the forest below Mt Shasta.  Yogiraj often discusses the coming spiritual civilization that is right now developing on the West Cost of America.  He has said that right now there are more practicing yogis on the west coast of America than in India.  

He teaches that water, especially flowing water greatly benefits meditation.  The Himalayan pilgrimage group makes sure to stop at a mountain waterfall on the journey.  Both the Haridwar and Rishikesh retreats  have time set aside for a dip in the strong flowing, clean, very cold, mountain-pure Ganges.  The prana that is the river current flows through our bodies.  At the Shasta retreat in 2015 he answered a question about eclipses saying that they enhance the meditation and the flowing water  even more so.  A Full Moon lunar eclipse? Go find a river to meditate in…….. or bathtub.

And every year at Middle Falls I see it and recognize it.  Hamsas from the whole West Coast and beyond are there: from Vancouver down to San Diego……and those are just the ones I know…..The scene of scattered Hamsas, some off under the waterfall sitting, others across the water happy to be drying off in the sun.  Valiant yogis to be!  And that water is cold. I can personally attest to sitting under the falls and feeling the energy rise.  The science Yogiraj gives us is true.

A  few tourist families mill about at the Falls as well, with dad taking a dip in the water and the kids looking on. And of course the “beer drinkers” ( a term my mother uses) are there as well- sunburned skin, cigarettes, beer, loud voices and heavy metal soundtrack.

How wonderful that we have something to do there.   “Go sit and do Kriya pryanayam under that waterfall, or stand in the cold river water doing Surya.”  Oh  yes I can do that.

Shasta – Infusing the Divine into our Everyday Life

We are
all looking forward to New Life Awakening with Yogiraj at Shasta.  Each experience with him, whether it be the
first or tenth, is unique and life changing.
is the ideal energy vortex to learn and practice Kriya Yoga – this holy
mountain has an inherently powerful pull on our astral spine to facilitate the
movement of the Kriya Breath from the base of the spine (the first chakra) to
the sixth chakra at the third-eye center. Practicing Kriya at Shasta in the
presence of Yogiraj will accelerate the raising of Kundalini potential to
awaken us faster towards our goal of Self-Realization.
year, some of us were blessed to perceive the presence of higher beings
attending Yogiraj’s evening sessions on the mountain. This was made possible by
an increase in the vibration of our subtle senses and opening of the third eye
center.  Even these residents of the hidden Shasta came to pay their respects
and to be transformed in the presence of a true Master. Their example should
inspire us to treasure this spiritual gift that is beyond our rational

years or even life-times of suffering can be avoided by experiencing Kriya at
Mt. Shasta with Yogiraj. Don’t hesitate and miss this opportunity. Listen to
your heart and sign-up now for the upcoming retreat to avoid disappointment.   http://www.vps105180.inmotionhosting.com/events/yogiraj-events