Tag Archive for: Raj Yoga

Yogiraj Honored as Chief Guest at Sherwood College’s 149th Founder’s Day


Yogiraj receiving an award at Sherwood College, where he was honored as chief guest.

By Arnab Datta –  Devotee, UK – 2018

“Mereat Quisque Palmam”. These Latin words meaning “Let each one merit his prize” adorn the gates of Sherwood College, a school nestled in the beautiful hills of Nainital in the northern regions of India. Founded in 1869, it has seen many illustrious people of India from the nation’s first Indian Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, the most recognized and Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan, and the foremost master in Kriya Yoga, our very own beloved master, Yogiraj Satgurunath Siddhanath.

Yogiraj was in the 1962 final year batch (class 12). He was a swimmer par excellence and was awarded a certificate of courage for his rescue efforts in a drowning incident. He was also an excellent gymnast, boxer, and bodybuilder in his school and college days. In many of his satsangs globally, Yogiraj often reminisces of the good old days in Sherwood and it had been a long-cherished wish to visit Sherwood.

This wish crystallized in a majestic way when Sherwood had the honor and privilege of inviting Yogiraj as the chief guest at this year’s 149th Founder’s ceremony. Beloved Guruma also accompanied him. The event started with skating, a swimming and diving show, exhibitions of various societies, a Horsman Wing (junior school) Production and the Middle School Production.

Yogiraj led a deeply spiritual and wonderful session with the parents in the chapel, where he spoke about his experiences and read a few of his poems, such as “Maya”.

The Batch of 1993 was also there to celebrate their 25th-year reunion.  They presented a bell for the Horsman Wing which was inaugurated by Yogiraj.

It was a brilliant event, showcasing the unbelievable levels of physical fitness, artistic talents, and creativity that the school promotes and encourages. No wonder it churns out such shining stars year after year, and it is undoubtedly true that the most luminous of those stars blessed the school with his presence this year.



Yoga Patanjal, an Experiential Revelation

By Jyoti Subramanian –  Devotee, India – 2018

Yogiraj’s birthday this month marked the birth of his new book, Yoga Patanjal. More than a scholarly rendition of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the book is an experiential revelation of Yogiraj’s realizations. Yoga Patanjal will be sold at Yogiraj’s 2018 World Tour events.

Very briefly in Yogiraj’s own words, “To facilitate your entry into the highest spheres with your satguru, I have taken considerable pain and effort to make available this gold-gilded pocketbook for you, as I love you. I am always there for you and even if you understand one verse in the book I will be happy, though all of you are capable of much more.”

The book was formally released post lunch on May 10th at the Siddhanath Forest Ashram in Pune after the disciples finished their morning Kriya Yoga practice session with Yogiraj. Present at the launch were Yogiraj’s mausi (meaning “like a mother”, a term used for one’s mother’s sister in India) and his sister, Durga. Yogiraj handed the first book to his aunt whom he referred to as his mother and then to his sister and Gurumata. The disciples received the book with all their blessings after that.

It is understood in the annals of Sanatan philosophy that the birth and manifestation of a satguru is the result of a collective yearning of humankind for the realization of the self and the divinity within. Satgurus of certain lineage come from time to time to guide, tweak and point the way towards speedier evolution for contemporary seekers. In short, according to Yogiraj, one deserves the guru one gets!

May 10th is the birthday of our Satguru Yogiraj Siddhanath who was born on this day in 1944. Disciples and sadhaks make their way to the Siddhanath Forest Ashram on this day to express their devotion and gratitude to him, who has shown them the way from ignorance to eternal truth, from darkness to light and from death to divinity. In a deeper and esoteric manner on this day the disciples are also born anew. So instead of “Happy birthday to you”, Yogiraj asked his disciples to sing “Happy birthday to me”, which they did very joyously, understanding their oneness with him.

The auspicious day started, as it usually does at the ashram, with the disciples making their way to the dining area and the morning satsang over breakfast and tea. Yogiraj at that time revealed that his book, Yoga Patanjal, was ready and would be available to the disciples later that day. He then went on to give a powerful message blessing his disciples and humanity in general with nuggets gleaned from this book.

The contemporary satguru brings to light ancient knowledge and wisdom which is still extant and pertinent in a language understandable to modern-day seekers. He cautioned seekers to concentrate on the living spirit rather than perusing the dead letter, an instruction that is very precious for the sincere spiritual aspirant.

Being in the presence of a householder satguru is an enchanting experience for the disciples and they got to see the simple and loving interchange of dialogue between him and Gurumata in the evening when she wore a sari presented to her by Yogiraj for this occasion. The happiness between them was palpable and spilled over to the disciples many of whom are enmeshed in the trammels of daily familial living. Disciples dressed in their finery for the evening of celebration. Gurumata began the arati, which is the waving of a lamp in devotion to the satguru. She then passed the lamp to other disciples.

The kids, of whom there were many, of course, had eyes only for the cake. The evening ended with sharing of prasad (blessed food) and dinner.