Words cannot describe the tremendous blessings that were showered upon disciples during the sacred Shasta retreat.From the moment Yogiraj walked into the room, he was transmitting evolutionary shaktipat energy which took years off of our physical lives and pushed us forward innumerable years in our spiritual evolution.

Although his satsangs were filled with spiritual gnosis, it was the silence that he awared upon us that answered all of our questions. In between our time with SatGurunath, Hamsas played in the vast spiritual playground of Mt. Shasta, remembering how to be a child. Some chose to hike and enjoy the various waterfalls; others simply lazed around or caught up with old friends. Regardless of how one chose to spend their time, the transmission and blessings of SatGurunath were constant and experienced by all.

As we return to our regular lives after such a tremendous spiritual boost, it is important to remember that to live successfully and to transcend this world of Maya, constant, uninterrupted practice is the key. Spending more time in the silence of paravastha is the dessert after the pran apan yagna fire ceremony in our spines.

Coming before the Master, over and over inspires disciples in all of their sadhana, and also recalibrates, reenergizes and evolves our chakras, pushing us closer to our true identity.

May we all continue to be blessed on our journey with our beloved SatGuru, soul family and friends.

Om Namah Shivay.