Awaken in the Presence of a True Spiritual Master: Yogiraj Siddhanath

The presence of a true ‪#‎master‬ can awaken the ‪#‎kundalini‬.
And then by the practice of ‪#‎Kriya_Yoga‬, it may ‪#‎ascend‬.

The Awakening of Kundalini through the Presence of a True Master:
Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath

The presence of a true master holds the power to ignite the dormant spiritual energy within us known as kundalini. This potent energy, often symbolized as a coiled serpent at the base of the spine, lies latent in most individuals. However, the presence of a realized master like Yogiraj Siddhanath can act as a catalyst, awakening this profound force and setting it on a path of ascension through the chakras.

Yogiraj Siddhanath, a revered Kriya Yoga master, embodies this rare ability to awaken kundalini. His mere presence emanates a transformative energy that can activate the kundalini within his disciples. This awakening is not merely a symbolic or metaphorical event but a tangible, often life-altering experience. Those who have had the privilege of being in Yogiraj Siddhanath’s presence often describe a profound shift in their energy, consciousness, and overall spiritual awareness.

Once awakened, the journey of kundalini is guided through the disciplined practice of Kriya Yoga. This ancient and sacred practice involves a series of techniques designed to purify the body and mind, facilitating the smooth ascension of kundalini through the energy centers or chakras. Kriya Yoga, as taught by Yogiraj Siddhanath, offers a structured and safe approach to this powerful process. It harmonizes breath control, meditation, and specific postures to create a conducive environment for spiritual growth.

The ascension of kundalini through the chakras brings about profound transformations. It purifies the nadis (energy channels), balances the chakras, and expands consciousness, leading to higher states of awareness and ultimately, self-realization. Practitioners often report enhanced mental clarity, emotional stability, and a deep sense of inner peace. The ultimate goal is to achieve a state of union with the divine, realizing the interconnectedness of all life.



Yogiraj Siddhanath’s role as a true master goes beyond merely teaching techniques; he provides the spiritual transmission that awakens and guides the kundalini. His teachings and presence offer a unique and precious opportunity for sincere seekers to embark on this transformative journey. Through the combined power of Yogiraj’s presence and the disciplined practice of Kriya Yoga, the path to spiritual enlightenment and the ascension of kundalini becomes a tangible reality.

Come to a life changing transformation of consciousness with Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath:


Your Ritambhara Mind Dissolves

Tasyapi nirodhe sarva nirodhan nirbijah
“When your Ritambhara mind dissolves its
final desire of all of this is me, then it
frees Divine Consciousness
to expand into Asamprajnata Samadhi
of desirelessness. When practiced
ceaselessly, this becomes Nirbija
free from the seeds of all

– From Samadhi Pada (I)
of Yogiraj Siddhanath’s book, “Yoga Patanjal”

New Life Awakening Retreats: Peace in a Stressful World with Kriya Yoga?

Dear Friends,

New Life Awakening Retreats: Peace in a Stressful World with Kriya Yoga. Life can often feel overwhelming. The constant demands and pressures can leave us feeling anxious and stressed, making it difficult to find peace in our day-to-day existence.

Are you caught in an endless cycle of doing and achieving, always pushing forward, yet feeling a growing sense of unease within? Understandably stress is something we all face, and it can take a toll on our physical and mental well-being.

? Now imagine releasing all that built-up stress and stepping into a state of inner peace.  Emphatically, there is a way to find stillness amid the chaos. Here’s what one of our retreat attendees shared about their experience:

“When I go to retreats with Gurunath, it’s like a million spa retreats at once. The amount of stress that leaves my body and mind while in His presence… It’s like I’m floating by the time I leave. It’s like filling my inner cup so that I’m ready to face the world again.” —Retreat Attendee, Mount Shasta 2023

Kriya Yoga is a simple but profound technique that can help you navigate through the stresses of life.  By learning and practicing Kriya Yoga, you can achieve a state of complete tranquility and balance, allowing you to more than handle life’s challenges with grace and calm.

Straightaway, we invite you to join Gurunath and experience the transformative power of Kriya Yoga and His presence ✨

Mount Shasta, CA June 26-30 | Oxnard, CA July 25-28 | Niagara Falls, NY Sept 5-8

Take advantage of early bird savings Oxnard by June 1 and Niagara byJuly 7

?All US Retreats Register on EventBrite here ⬇️⬇️⬇️

With love and compassion,

The Seva Team for Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath


Registration is open for all U.S. retreats! To reserve your spot and get the early bird discount, register now at the links below!

Shasta Expanded Benefactors Life and Livingness Retreat
Wednesday, June 26 – Sunday, June 30
Mt. Shasta Life and Livingness Retreat
Friday, June 28 – Sunday, June 30

SoCal Benefactor- Alchemical Surya Adventure Celebration! (Oxnard, California)
Thursday, July 25 – Sunday, July 28
SoCal Retreat- Shivapat Surya Beach Celebration! (Oxnard, California)
Friday, July 26 – Sunday, July 28

East Coast Benefactors Life and Livingness Retreat (Niagara Falls, New York)
Thursday, September 5 – Sunday, September 8
East Coast Life and Livingness Retreat (Niagara Falls, New York)
Friday, September 6 – Sunday, September 8
Niagara Falls Kundalini Kriya Yoga Empowerment Evening Session (Niagara Falls, New York)
Friday, September 6 at  7:30pm – 11pm EDT

Help share the life-changing experience of being in the Presence!
Bonus 1: Receive 25% off 1 general retreat ticket for any person who refers 2 new attendees who have not participated in prior retreats. If you wish to avail of this discount, please email us at with your referrals.
Bonus 2: Win a $108 gift card! See below for our Tag-To-Win Contest details.

With SatGurunath, Again, At Last!
Shivranjan Yoga Atmanaar
2024 Mt. Shasta Life and Livingness Retreat
2024 East Coast Life and Livingness Retreat (Niagara Falls, New York)
2024 East Coast Benefactors Life and Livingness Retreat (Niagara Falls, NY)