Tag Archive for: Himalayan Pilgrimage

Himalayan Pilgrimage With SatGurunath 2024

Satsang with SatGurunath at Makkumath Temple with the backdrop of the Himalayas.

The call of the Himalayas beckoned seekers from all corners of the globe, to embark on a profound spiritual odyssey with our revered master Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanāth.

The journey commenced with a full day of travel from the environs of the Siddhanāth Forest Ashram, Pune, soaring through the skies to Dehradun, the gateway to the Himalayas. From there, the road leads to Rishikesh, a sacred town nestled on the banks of the Ganges, where we found solace and rest at Hotel Natraj, with excitement of the journey that lay ahead.

Day two was another day of travel that unfolded as we journeyed higher up through winding roads and picturesque landscapes, with a pause for lunch amidst the serenity of nature. Finally, we arrived at our abode in Ukhimath, a tranquil sanctuary with a magnificent view of the majestic Kedarnath & other Himalayan snow-clad peaks of Uttarakhand. We settled in comfortably for the night, with the anticipation building for the spiritual experiences that awaited us.

As the first light of dawn painted the sky, the next morning began with an immersion into a joyous satsang and meditation session with our dear SatGuru, deepening our connection to the inner self. As the day unfolded, we visited the ancient Omkareshwar Temple in Ukhimath where it is believed that the wedding of Usha (daughter of Vanasur) and Anirudh (grandson of Lord Krishna) was solemnized. This temple is also the winter seat of Lord Kedarnathji, and we were blessed to have had a powerful darshan in this sacred space that pulsated with divine energy in the presence of our SatGuru.

SatGurunath with a fresh Himalayan rhododendron flower at the Omkareshwar Temple in Ukhimath

Satsang and Dhyaan at the Omkareshwar Temple with SatGurunath

The fourth day of our Himalayan pilgrimage was a fun, action-packed outdoor experience at Chopta; around 8000 ft. above sea level. A playful snow-fight, where our laughter echoed amidst the flurry of snow, and camaraderie blossomed as we engaged in friendly battles amongst us fellow Hamsas, the thrill of the moment heightened by the crisp mountain air. Following the spirited exchange, we gathered for a nourishing lunch, and relished the piping hot food with gratefulness for the enriching experience that each day of the pilgrimage brought with our beloved SatGuru.

The next day, we embarked on a transformative journey to the Kalimath Temple where it is believed that after killing the devil Raktbeej, Goddess Kali went underground. We encountered a profound divine energy as we offered our prayers during the puja and felt the aura of shakti envelop us. We paid our respects at the adjoining temples adorned with antiquated deities of Mahalaxmi, Gauri Shankar and Laxmi embodying the rich tapestry of our sacred legends. Our footsteps echoed through the sanctum of the Bhairav temple, where time seemed to stand still amidst the whispers of bygone eras. Beside the temple, the holy Saraswati River surged with life, its roaring waters a testament to the enduring power of nature in this sacred land. Each moment spent in the embrace of these divine surroundings left an indelible mark on our souls, guiding us ever closer to our inner pilgrimage of self-realisation.

On the sixth day of our Himalayan pilgrimage, we journeyed to the sacred Makkumath temple, where Lord Tunganathji is revered and brought down during the winter months. Amidst the majestic mountains and the potent energy of the surroundings, we sat in meditation, feeling a profound connection to the spiritual essence of the land. We were graced with an enlightening satsang led by SatGurunath, where he shared timeless tales of spiritual beings who have traversed these lands, reminding us of the enduring presence of divine guidance. On our way back to the hotel, we paused at a mountain-side tea stall, captivated by SatGurunath’s impromptu satsang, further deepening our spiritual journey amidst the serene beauty of the Himalayas.

After indulging in a hearty breakfast we rolled into the bus for our return journey from Ukhimath to Rishikesh the next day. Along the route, we made a stop at the convergence of the Alaknanda and Mandakini Rivers in Rudraprayag. Some of us Hamsas seized the opportunity to take a dip in the holy water and witnessed a truly magical phenomenon, where nature unveiled a mystical display—the formation of a brilliant circle of light, leaving us in wonder and awe of our master’s grace being bestowed on us.

On the final day of our Himalayan pilgrimage, we had a leisurely time browsing through the quaint little stores along the Ram Jhoola and experienced the local vibe of Rishikesh. We savoured every moment and soaked in the presence and love of our dear SatGurunath, and cherished the deep bonds forged during this retreat. As the dawn of the next day approached, we bid farewell, carrying in our hearts the treasured memories and a sense of fulfillment from our transformative journey with Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath.

– A devotee


This is my account of an experience I had during the Shivranjan Kriya meditation retreat at the Siddhanath Forest Ashram in January, 2024.

It was the alchemical tea session with Yogiraj by the swimming pool area of the ashram on the lawn over the slope. It was a starry night with a peaceful and divine ambience. As Yogiraj’s satsang continued, I was tuned into the aura of SatGurunath. Everyone was in a blissful state of calmness.

While I listened to and watched the Master, I started noticing that Satgurunath’s image would totally vanish from my eyesight for a while. He would disappear, and the next moment, he was visible in his place.

I sat more alertly to reconfirm it and to my goodness this same phenomenon continued throughout the session. Every time, I could trace out the table and the cell phone light, which was kept in front of him, but he completely disappeared from my vision. He was audible to me as the satsang continued.

About 8 to 10 times I saw him disappearing and reappearing in front of my eyes. It was such an amazing and real experience for me which reminded me of Yogiraj repeatedly explaining to us about the Satguru as an individuality and not the personality. I was also thinking to myself that since I used to do my Kriya daily, in spite of my efforts, it seemed quite difficult to see Yogiraj’s image at my third eye. I used to meditate upon a blank space without any image. On this day, I was convinced that our Master is in fact, that nothingness which is the part and constituent of the universal consciousness.

Soulful pranam and gratitude at the lotus feet of our beloved master Yogiraj SatGurunath!